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‘Tis the Season… ExecuTeam Gives!

ExecuTeam has been busy this holiday season! Our team stepped up and participated in two charit Our castle canstruction in our lobby! y events in the month of December. The first event, Canstruction, we announced on our blog here and tracked our progress via social media. The second event, Angel Tree Giving Program hosted by the Trotter Family YMCA, was also acknowledged on Facebook.

Through our Canstruction project, our team donated 739 pounds of food to the Houston Food Bank. By the time we finished canstructing our castle in the lobby of our office, we had 586 Campbell’s, Red Gold, and Hunt’s cans! Not only did our team join together to do our part in donating, we hope we inspired others to give as well. Our castle of cans in our lobby was fun and great way to join in the season of giving not only on social media but in our office as well.

Our team also gave to the YMCA in their 9th Annual Angel Tree Gift Giving Program. In their lobby, the YMCA has a tree filled with angels, and each angel has the name of a child. Our team took on the wish lists from 5 different children between the ages of 4 and 5. All together, staff and management, our team bought all the items on the lists. On December 9th, ExecuTeam donated approximated 60 toys in total to the YMCA.

‘Tis truly the season to bring out the best in people! Our team enjoys being a part of our community, and we hope you do too. Our team wishes you and yours the very best holiday season and the most excellent New Year!


ExecuTeam Staffing is now The Reserves Network!

ExecuTeam is excited to announce that we have adopted the name and brand of The Reserves Network, effective May 1, 2023.