With the start of summer, there is always a slight reprieve in traffic congestion due to kids not being shuttled back and forth to school every day. It becomes easy to become lackadaisical about your driving habits in these lazy, hazy days of summer. Here are a few reminders as we head into the time of summer fun.
Don’t Speed Because You Are Late
Long summer days can sometimes cause late nights. To take advantage of the extra sunlight, we often plan more activities after work. This habit can sometimes throw our entire schedule off. Before we know it, we are routinely getting up and out just a little bit late, which can lead to the need for speed to get to work on time. However, this change to your routine can be dangerous. Since the kids are not in school, they likely in the cars around you and playing in your neighborhood and on your sidewalks. Be careful to avoid this bad habit by making sure you are leaving your residence in plenty of time. If you find that you are late, give a call to your office to let them know you are on your way. Consistently late? Check to see if you can change your work schedule for the summer. If you can’t, it is time to reevaluate your personal calendar.
Don’t Drive Tired
Another consequence of loose summer schedules is sometimes feeling overly tired. Driving tired has similar effects as driving drunk. If you are finding that either during your morning or evening drives you are having difficult staying awake or even alert, that can be another sign that you need to adjust your schedule. Getting enough sleep is crucial to not only performing well on the job, but also to not endangering others while you are behind the wheel. Again, if you find that this is a consistent problem for you, you should reassess your schedule and time management to make sure you are getting enough sleep.
Watch for Children on Your Route
Be extra aware on the road. It is worth reiterating that with school being out for summer, there are more children out and about. Make sure you are cautious and aware when driving through your neighborhood or another residential areas. Parks and schools hosting summer camps are places near which you need to pay extra attention. You never know when a ball might bounce into your path followed by a child. Additionally, there will be more children on their bicycles. Remember to give cyclists the right of way. Keep an eye out for them particularly when making turns, such as a right-on-red. If you need a strong reminder, look to all of the memorials left along the side our roads.
These are just a few reminders for your summer commute. Try consciously implementing them this week. Next week, we will give you a few more ways to reevaluate your summer driving habits. Whether heading to work or heading to the beach, making these reminders positive habits can save a life!