As a job seeker and potential candidate with our team, you have been following our blog. You are interested in interviewing with us as described here, and you understand the process of interviewing with our client as described here. You are familiar with the process you have to go through in order to be placed on assignment with us, but you still have some questions about terminology in the staffing industry.
Our job board has specific language in the job description, and this language can give the potential candidate valuable insight into the assignment and our expectations. So what does direct hire, temp to hire, and temporary mean? More importantly, how are these assignment types different, and how can they work to your advantage?
For a DIRECT HIRE, we recruit, screen, qualify and present the candidate, and our staff handles the interviewing logistics, assists with the job offer and helps the candidate navigate through any potential counteroffers. Our team partners with our candidates and our clients to ensure the presentation, interview, offer and onboarding stages are smooth and lead to a successful outcome for all.
A TEMP TO HIRE position is similar to direct hire. The process is the same however when the candidate is selected for the position, the candidate works their evaluation or probationary period (usually 90 days) employed by ExecuTeam. During this evaluation period, both parties have an opportunity to determine if the fit is a good one on a long term basis.
Direct hire and temp to hire positions are obviously the most sought after positions by candidates due to their statuses as more “permanent” positions. However, temporary positions have a number of benefits for the job seeker as well.
A TEMPORARY position is the type of position that a client does not feel they have a “permanent” need. This type of position usually happens when there is extra work needed to be done or a permanent employee’s position needs to be covered due to vacation or leave or companies are currently experiencing a hiring freeze. These positions can range from a day or two to months and even years. These positions offer excellent flexibility, especially for those candidates who have specific schedules.
Temporary positions also come with another qualifier: indefinite temporary. “Indefinite” indicates that the client has a need and no definite end date to the assignment. Sometimes, if the candidate performs well, an indefinite temp position can turn into a direct hire one.
The major benefit to temporary positions is that both our company and our clients can become more familiar with the candidate, their quality of work, their flexibility, and their reliability. Often taking temporary positions can work as a stop gap until the perfect fulltime position comes around. Being willing to accept and commit to temporary positions while performing well can oftentimes prompt that perfect position.
For a candidate which a company chooses to payroll with us, the onboarding and weekly payroll and benefits is handled by our staff.
With these variety of positions, our team works to find the perfect match for both candidate or job seeker and our client. Our staffing consultants work hard to ensure our client’s needs are exceeding expectations while the candidates are afforded the best opportunities possible.