Keeping It Professional When On the Job Market

When searching for a job, it is easy to feel frustrated with the process. You find yourself falling in love with the ideal position to which you submit a perfectly tailored application, only to find out the company selects another candidate. Dealing with this cycle of setbacks is one of the many challenges of job […]

3 Email Etiquette Tips To Save Your Professional Life

A couple of weeks ago, we covered the importance of establishing boundaries between work and your personal life especially when it comes to your smartphone. However, some of these boundaries apply to more than just your smartphone. In fact, you should practice making these professional emailing habits second nature. It is easy to slip into […]

The Danger of Email on Your Smart Phone

We often discuss the danger of being burned out, and we encourage you to protect the time you need to take care of yourself. However, we do realize that it is easier said than done, especially with the ubiquity of smart phones. When you are passionate about your work, ease of access to that work […]

Are You Making the Most of Your Weekends?

Last week, we gave you some tips on putting your tax refund to good use. (You can read that blog here.) One of our suggestions for your tax refund was to use it to treat yourself. You work hard all week long; you should use your weekends to reenergize yourself. Embracing weekends is one of […]

What To Do With That Tax Refund?

Tax season is over, and you potentially have a tax refund. What do you do with that chunk of money with your name on it? Don’t let it dwindle away and disappear. If you make a plan and stick to that plan, you will be able to make the most of that tax refund. If […]

Be Kind to Yourself: Recovering from Burnout

Our blogs from the past two weeks covered the signs of burnout. This week we’ll address how to begin to recover from burnout. According to Psychology Today, “Burnout is a cunning thief that robs the world of its best and its brightest by feeding on their energy, enthusiasm, and passion, transforming these positive qualities into exhaustion, frustration, and […]