Keeping Your Resume Current

Freshening up your resume is always a good idea no matter what your current job situation is. Whether you are sending your resume out regularly, you just landed a temporary position, or you are comfortably situated in your current long term position, keeping your resume up to date is critical. By keeping your resume current, […]

How Does the Process Work?: Compensation with ExecuTeam

A few blogs ago, we addressed the different types of assignments we offer employees. These different types of assignments factor into your compensation. For example, a Direct Hire would result in the employee being paid directly by the company at which they will be working while a temporary position would result in the employee being […]

When Do I Get a Job?: From Initial Interview to an Assignment

In September, we visited the process from application to interview in our blog here. After you have completed your interview with one of our recruiters, the time period until you start an assignment can vary. It all depends on our clients and their needs. Below are the basic steps that have to happen between your […]